The Shadows of Success

Fuck Fame, Film Elektro-Rapperin Uffie

Dokumentary – 81 Min – 2019
Director: Robert Cibis, Lilian Franck
Editor: Amy Meyer
Audio language: English
Subtitles: Deutsch, Français

Electro-rap curio Uffie struggles to reconcile the subversive public persona she presents in her music with her own private identity. “Fuck Fame” explores the concept of pop star-as-meme through the eyes of a young woman who feels lost in a chaotic world of her own creation.

“Fuck Fame” is a film that begins where ‘Pop Idol’ finishes. Rather than chasing the celebrity dream, Anna finds herself running away from the very things that made her famous. Even the birth of her first child is not enough to secure stability in Anna’s constant battle against her inner demons, as she continues to be flown around the world, caught up in a whirlwind of parties, gigs and sleepless nights. It is only following the untimely death of her mother, as well as a near-fatal overdose, that Anna realises that ‘being Uffie’ might end up killing her.

Leaving Anna in the embrace of her second child, “Fuck Fame” scrutinises society’s own addictions with celebrity, fame and social media, and poses the question: can being ‘liked’ by thousands of fans compare to the love of your friends and family?

Trailer “Fuck Fame”

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