Pandemic Preparedness Racket and DOD
Robert Malone’s limited-hangout confession
He admits he has worked/works(?) for the DOD (DTRA), he agrees with my overall interpretation of the government’s role in the mRNA atrocity (thanks!), and offers excuses for his employer…
This article is my response to the recent Substack post from “Who is Robert Malone” (yeah, who is he?):
Was DoD the Managing Agency for Operation Warp Speed?
1. Breaking: the “freedom movement” including phony leaders like Dr. Malone has unified about this topic!
First, let me express my thanks to Robert Malone for finally, after all these years, admitting that what I and
Katherine Watt have been writing about covid “pandemic response” is true. Specifically:
Katherine and I have reported that the US Department of Defense managed the development, production and deployment of the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid vaccines, as part of a coordinated “whole-of-government” program involving Congress (providing statutory authority and funding); US presidents; DoD (including DARPA, DTRA and other subdivisions), Department of Health and Human Services-Public Health Service (including ASPR, BARDA, CDC, FDA, NIH, NIAID and other subdivisions); Department of Homeland Security (including FEMA); Department of Treasury, and most if not all other federal agencies; the Federal Reserve; pharmaceutical drug and device manufacturing companies incorporated into federal government (by contracts and Presidential proclamations under the Public Health Service Act, Defense Production Act, Stafford Act and National Emergencies Act); international quasi-governmental and banking organizations including the Bank for International Settlements, United Nations-World Health Organization; and non-governmental organizations including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) and Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI).
Pharmas and other companies were compelled by the US Government to deliver “demonstrations”, i.e. fraud to the Government under military command and purchasing mechanisms.
Dear Robert,
I hope you will ultimately get investigated for your role in the largest atrocity known to mankind (faked “pandemic” and mass homicidal “response”, plus a gigantic money laundering op). I am treating your post as a limited-hangout confession and gathering of feedback on potential avenues that an investigation into the role of DOD, DARPA, DTRA, BARDA and related players, such as yourself, may take. Fair enough. I am offering some detailed feedback below. Maybe you should ask for a pre-emptive pardon, except, I am at a loss as to from which administration?
In your silly substack hit piece article you are trying to offer excuses for your past and likely present employers. If I were your attorney, I would advise you to stop talking at this point… self-incrimination is a thing and you are doing it a lot in your article. Are the DOJ guys on the phone right now screaming at you to “shuddduppp Bob!!!”. If not, that’s actually worse news…
Dear Readers,
if you are new to this, please view this very important video of my presentation from a conference in Stockholm (2 years ago):
My Talk from Lakaruppropet Conference, Stockholm, January 21, 2023
Robert Malone’s substack post is talking about what I said in this presentation (he sat in the audience and listened to it). He is trying to “recalibrate” the message, as if he just discovered some new truth about the DOD/DTRA! He states in his article that this is the first time he has written about OTA contracts for covid products…
Quite a bit of controversy has been generated by those who assert that the Pfizer contract issued by the DoD for the Bio N Tech mRNA COVID “vaccines” proves that the DoD was the managing agency for the development of this product. The phrase “Pfizer did not commit fraud, but rather delivered the fraud that the US Government ordered” certainly has more than a grain of truth.
Gee, thanks! I am blushing…
Behold, sausage expert will tell us about the sausage making:
If you really want to understand how the sausage gets made within the US Government with these big programs, I hope you will stick through this essay to the end.
Unfortunately, the two leading proponents of this theory of the case (Watt and Latypova) have seen fit to repeatedly personally attack both myself and my wife Dr. Jill Malone
Robert, it was your idea to block me on X and smear my husband to your multi-million-audience of followers, saying that my husband is affiliated with the WEF. That’s a malicious lie. I would like you to retract it and apologize.
Let’s proceed.
2. Robert Malone admits that he worked/works for the DOD/DTRA.
I.e., this whole thing is written under the influence thereof. Let’s remember one thing:

for years now as part of their advocacy of this interpretation, presumably because of my long history of working with the US Department of Defense in the Biodefense sector, and in particular with the Defense Threat Reduction Agency Chemical and Biological Technologies Directorate (DTRA CB), which is “dual-hatted” as the Joint Science and Technology Office for Chemical and Biological Defense (JSTO-CBD) under the Department of Defense Chemical and Biological Defense Program (CBDP).
Some Relevant Bona Fides
Those who have followed me closely may recall that over two years ago I was the first to disclose that a different branch of DTRA, the Threat Mitigation Branch (based on Fort Belvoir, VA), was a major funder of the Chinese CCP/PLA Wuhan Institute of Virology, and so shared responsibility with NIH/NIAID for the funding which lead to the eventual release of SARS-CoV-2 into the world. The DTRA/Threat Mitigation Branch funding was provided in the context of the DTRA/TMB “International Cooperation” activities, which are focused on cooperative threat reduction.
That’s fascinating for sure! The Chinese lab in Wuhan took the US dollars from the US government and did what the US government asked them to do, i.e. fulfilled the contractual obligations.
Readers, here is my article about the real role of Wuhan from 2 years ago. When did Bob Malone tell you that the “engineered virus from Wuhan lab” is the second layer of lies which was rolled out after the original bat-pangolin bullshit became indefensible?
Deliberate Deployment of Bio-Chemical Agents Is Now OK to Call “Lab Leak” on Social Media
Oh, he hasn’t told you that yet? Maybe in a few more years. Moving on…
3. Robert Malone explains that OTA is necessary to Fake Faster and avoid jail:
Now, let’s talk about Other Transactions Authority (OTA) contracts given to pharma companies to produce the covid jabs and many other murdering products and services, including psyop propaganda, censorship and “cybersecurity” – running social media bots to swarm, mass report and bully anyone who tried to tell the truth. This is one of my favorite topics. Katherine Watt, Debbie Lerman and I wrote extensively about DOD contracts and OTA mechanism for the past 2 years.
Part 2 of “Contracts for Crimes” – Pfizer’s ATI-MCDC Technical Direction Letter
Brook Jackson’s case dismissed by Judge Truncale.
On December 8th of the Good Lord’s year 2024, i.e. 4 years after the fact, this is the first instance of Robert Malone addressing this very important issue:
The notorious DoD Pfizer contract that Watt and Latypova often speak of was issued under a special federal contracting process known as an “Other Transactional Authority” or OTA. The OTA structure was put into place in response to general governmental bureaucratic frustration relating to biodefense product development and acquisition under the standard contracting process that is subject to the Federal Acquisition Regulations or FAR. […]
The process of issuing and awarding a FAR-compliant contract can take up to two years, often at least nine months if very actively expedited.
Shocking news, y’all. Do you know that in private sector multi-million dollar contracts also take years to negotiate and sign? In addition to price and scope negotiations, there are things called “due diligence” and “compliance with law and regulations”.
Well, rules for thee but not for the government leaches! Biodefense money laundering can’t wait for the pesky Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) requirements. Government money laundromat goes brrr!
And, as one might hope, it requires many legally binding commitments from the contractor (the company getting the contract from USG). For example, these typically include keeping daily time sheets for all company employees – including those in management or not actually working on the contract!
Standard accounting requirements including timesheets (which I always had to do in MY private sector contracting) are hate and injustice when they apply to the government purchasing, for sure…
There are two major issues that the USG has to contend with concerning large FAR-compliant contracts. First, the pool of trained and certified contracting officers (CO) is getting smaller and smaller. Becoming a CO is a high-risk pathway for a government employee. As part of their training, it is made clear that CO will go to jail if evidence of contracting corruption or malfeasance is identified. No glory, modest pay, and lots of risk and responsibility. Not something that many govies want to take on. The contracting officer corps has been retiring out for many years now, diminishing from year to year.
I have to say, the above passage is my favorite part – nobody wants to take CO jobs anymore, because they look at what’s required, and run! Gee, I wonder how everyone who examines the job requirements of a BARDA CO closely comes to the conclusion that they will end up in the big house?
Second, corporations (often referred to as “beltway bandits”)
Good level of self-awareness, Bob!
that specialize in federal contracting are usually not leaders in technology (or drug) development, and those who are leaders are focused on their sector and not on federal contracting. To illustrate the point, it has been my experience over decades that a federal FAR-compliant contract will add about 30% to 50% overhead to the cost of doing the work for a private sector contract. So, if you are a big pharma or biotech innovator, you have to be pretty desperate to want to work for the US Government.
So desperate! When $10B-a-pop contracts are given for a no-bid, no-rules “demonstration”. I mean, that’s just abject poverty, who in their right mind wants this headache:

What’s a government agency to do? Particularly one tasked with rapidly developing medical countermeasures to engineered pathogens and emerging infectious diseases?
Why is it tasked with faking fakery is a better question…
Well, the developed answer was the Other Transactional Authority or OTA.
Basically the idea here was to develop a compromise. By limiting the scope to just research and development of a “solution” through to a “demonstration” product (rather than actually acquiring the “solution” or “product,”) a simplified contract could be rapidly developed and issued, and the more burdensome contracting clauses could be waived without breaching the FAR, which was designed for actual acquisition and deployment. And to make this system run even faster, it was decided that contractors could be “pre-qualified” as suitable for award of an OTA by making them pay a fee to a private company that would vet their suitability – and in this way circumvent some of the problems with the diminishing CO staffing issue. In other words, outsource many of the contracting officer tasks to the private sector. The way this actually works is that the company that wants to get federal OTA contracts has to pay a fee to the outsourced private contracting company to pre-qualify them. Sort of like having to pay your bank to pre-qualify you for a home loan if you want to get a house financed.
Of course, this is a great solution for Faking Fakery Fast (FFF) or Even Faster (FFEF) to avoid the FAR requirements! You give it to a “manager”, a private company ATI that manages all sorts of weapons productions for the DOD. Specifically, for faking covid countermeasures ATI was awarded a $10B “management fee” by the Department of Defense.
What was your cut, Bob? Since you claim (confess) you set up this whole thing?
Even though this OTA process was principally established for the HHS biodefense group known as BARDA, BARDA ran into some contracting officer “issues” (yes, Jail time was involved), and HHS generally does not use OTA these days. And BARDA did not have any OTA vehicles set up that could handle COVID-related issues. But DoD did, consequent to DTRA in particular.
Someone took the fall and went to jail for BARDA? I wonder why, again…
Now, here is the truth as to why HHS “partnered” with the DOD on Operation Warp Speed (credit
Debbie Lerman for untangling this):
It appears that one of the main reasons this “partnering” needed to happen was the use of Other Transaction Authority (OTA). It turns out, quite reasonably, different federal agencies have different scope of the OTAs. The scope of HHS’s OTA did not permit manufacturing pharmaceuticals at scale, especially not before satisfying regulatory requirements for safety.
There is no way HHS could have used its very limited OTA to sign contracts for hundreds of millions of novel medical products.
So what did HHS do?
As the Government Accountability Office (GAO) noted in its July 2021 report on “Covid-19 Contracting:” HHS “partnered” with DoD to “leverage DoD’s OTA authorities…which HHS lacked.” (p. 24)
Acting as separate federal agencies within the limits of their authorities, neither HHS nor DOD would have been able to order 100 million doses of unapproved, untested, previously thoroughly failed “vaccine”. So they “partnered” in order to break the constraints of their Congressionally issued authorities.
4. Robert Malone’s role in advancing Remdesivir – he admits to it:
That aside, Robert wants you to know he had *nothing!* to do with advancing Remdesivir, the murder weapon of choice in the hospitals and outpatient settings. But *nothing!* here means the opposite of what you think it means:
Just to say it, neither myself nor (to the best of my knowledge) DTRA-CB or the DOMANE program had any role in advancing Remdesivir for use to treat COVID. I understand that NIH/NIAID and Dr. Anthony Fauci, specifically, were responsible for this travesty, not DTRA CB, and certainly not me.
However, the DOD disagrees with his version of events. Here is a story from the Department of Defense on DTRA’s search for therapies against covid in Feb 2021. It’s titled “DTRA’s Therapeutic Arm Latches on to FDA-approved and Affordable Drugs for COVID-19 Relief”. Quote:
“To complement the modest therapeutic effect of Remdesivir, DOMANE also identified Famotidine, a COVID-19 disease modifier from Johnson & Johnson; Pfizer’s Celecoxib, an anti-inflammatory product; and Merck’s Mectizan®, Ivermectin, an antiviral for clinical trials.”
Bob, when they give you a $20M project for a shitty computer model and some “science” paper with funny gaps in methodology, you should wonder what the ultimate use is going to be… but ok, maybe you didn’t know at the time.
Later in his article, Bob is denying any role in advancing Remdesivir, again … by admitting he actively participated in it! What did I tell you about self-incrimination, just a few minutes ago?
How do I know about this OTA loophole for shuttling funding from HHS Operation Warp Speed over to the DoD OTA contract vehicle? Because I personally set up exactly this process for a COVID drug repurposing contract with a UCSF-affiliated non-profit that ran an innovative clinical trial structure under the name of I-Spy. My client for this was a firm named “Quantum Leap Healthcare Collaborative”, which was lead by UCSF professor Dr. Laura Esserman. For example, see this link. The Quantum Leap group contacted me for assistance in capturing contract funding from Operation Warp Speed because of my professional reputation as a capture manager, contract author and program manager.
We are back to the same DOD press article which I already linked above, glowing about the Quantum Leap clinical trial’s pivotal role in advancing Remdesivir:
“To complement the modest therapeutic effect of Remdesivir, DOMANE also identified Famotidine, a COVID-19 disease modifier from Johnson & Johnson; Pfizer’s Celecoxib, an anti-inflammatory product; and Merck’s Mectizan®, Ivermectin, an antiviral for clinical trials. To learn whether a combination of these FDA-approved drugs [including Remdesivir!] is more efficacious than current treatments, DTRA partnered with Quantum Leap Healthcare to conduct a clinical trial. This volunteer trial will evaluate drug combinations in COVID-19 patients who are having difficulty breathing.”
Is this the trial page? The trial is called I-SPY and the landing page has a Malone look-alike face on it. I am sure there are no reasons why:

Of course, he is friends with Janet Woodcock, who pushed covid jabs on anything that moves, and especially the pregnant women and children. It just so happens, Janet Woodcock is part of Leadership of the Quantum Leap Healthcare, together with 2 other ladies from the FDA. Only some crazy conspiracists would think this is some sort of conflict (1001st in Bob’s case) with his ostensible “freedom-leadership” social media status.
And he is proud of figuring out how to “MIRP” the money through the lower intestines of the swamp without competitive bidding or any contracting regulations:
Dr. Laura Esserman had pioneered a novel approach to drug discovery for Breast Cancer treatment, and one of her close friends was in charge of drug development for Operation Warp Speed – Dr. Janet Woodcock. Woodcock wanted money directed to her buddy Esserman to use in applying the same strategy for COVID drug discovery. But ASPR/BARDA, the usual channel for multi-hundred million dollar contracts, did not have an open solicitation for this type of work, developing and approving a new FAR-compliant solicitation would take many months, and BARDA contracting was already overwhelmed. So I came up with the idea of MIPRing money from HHS/OWS via BARDA over to DoD and the ATI OTA vehicle. All concerned were happy with this idea, it was authorized in a flash (whatever Janet Woodcock wanted, Janet Woodcock got), I wrote the contract, and it was awarded in a flash.
5. Robert Malone hints he “mentored” Col Matt Hepburn (DARPA, OWS)
Matt Hepburn is a key witness of how the biodefense brigade apparently subverted the authority of POTUS and declared a “national security threat” absent any real illness, any real public health threat or any presidential actions. They also spigoted (MIRPed?) $50B for this to their cronies in pharma industry before Trump could even blink, get enraged and fire Jennifer Santos (who immediately got another cushy military job)!
Trump thought he was in charge, DOD thought otherwise…
Robert Malone explains his relationship with a mysterious “army colonel who was put in charge of OWS”:
Now, does that mean that DoD was entirely passive in the development of the mRNA “vaccine” products? Absolutely not. Months after EUA “authorization” of the Pfizer and Moderna products, I got a call out of the blue from an old colleague that I had worked with on the Ebola vaccine development project that I had spearheaded for another client – New Link Genetics. This was the vaccine that was later sold to Merck and FDA authorized for Ebola (Zaire) prophylaxis. The colleague in question had been an Army Lieutenant Colonel at the time, and I had provided some mentoring to him way back when. He had subsequently moved on to Army logistics and acquisition, but because of his Ebola vaccine development experience had been reassigned on short notice to project manage the Moderna vaccine project for OWS. He seemed to need to unburden himself about what he had seen and experienced, and about the frustration of having to project manage a diverse multi-agency group tasked with managing the Moderna project – which had (at least in part) originated at the NIH/NIAID Vaccine Research Center. Point being that yes, a DoD Army Colonel was placed as project manager for OWS/Moderna, but it was a thankless task with little power – essentially a multi-agency cat herding task. Not a process unilaterally driven by DoD, in contrast to the uninformed theories of Watt and Latypova.
Dr. Malone, are you hinting that you “mentored” Col Matt Hepburn? Am I reading this correctly? This guy:
“Pandemic Preparedness” – a Government Protection Racket
General Perna and Colonel Hepburn speak about Operation Warp Speed
In the post above (Jul 6) – Col Hepburn’s story checks out with yours, Bob.
It was a thankless task for Matt Hepburn! And I absolutely believe that it was. Heists like this are hard to pull off and their success hinges on constant state of chaos, stress, panic, impossible deadlines, disorganization, fear – all the elements needed so that people turn off critical thinking and just run with the herd to where they are being herded. The goal was to fool the seasoned professionals, not the general public, who are easily fooled. And it worked! Most participants in this atrocity were roped in via panic and bullshit, and kept there by money and implied (and at times actual) threats to their careers.
If you have not read it yet, here is Katherine’s response to Robert Malone, published yesterday:
Robert Malone calls Katherine and me “crazy conspiracy theorists”. That’s an ad-hominem smear and not very original, too! I am not sure why, since he repeats what we have been saying about the DOD, the no-rules contracting, the no-regulation giant money laundering and his own participation in “testing” DTRA’s Remdesivir via a shitty computer model DOMANE and the Quantum Leap “clinical trial”, and then asserts all of this is a crazy conspiracy! As I mentioned before, I think it is a skill, a trained technique of getting ahead of the facts that cannot be ignored anymore: pretend YOU discovered it, not the other side! Pretend it’s all kosher, and furthermore, play victim and call the other side “crazy conspiracists”. For your information, Dr. Malone, your employers did not invent this technique. “Dezinformacia” was invented by the Soviets. But, kudos! you get high marks as an expert practitioner of it.
Art for today: Year of the Dragon is coming to a close. Watercolor.